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Did You Know?

Lack of affordable housing is the number one cause of homelessness

160,000+ children experience homeless in the USA

580,000+ adults experience homelessness in the USA

Every year 2.5 million children experience homelessness. That’s almost the entire population of Chicago.

Homelessness has increased 10.5% since 2018

More than half of homeless veterans have a mental and/or physical disability.

How Can You Help?

Helping the homeless care package.

There are times when you pull up to a stop sign or red light and see a homeless person begging for money and don’t know what to do to help, this is a great way to help. At Give First Organization we want to be able to help everyone, but we understand that’s nearly impossible, so we mainly target the homeless population, trying to get them off the streets and help them hit the restart button on their life.

Your donation of $10 will create a bag of hope for one homeless person. This product will include a toothbrush, toothpaste, beef jerky, hand wipes, deodorant, a note, a Bible, and a pamphlet on how to get saved as a Christian. You can donate via GoFundMe, or PayPal, whichever one you feel more comfortable with.

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